If you get the message ““PolicyPak Browser Router Chromium Extension” was automatically disabled” like this… This article will show you the workaround.
To adjust for this, make sure that the PolicyPak Browser Router extension(s) you use are explicitly added to the policy named “Allow specific extensions to be installed”.
You can use this chart to see the PolicyPak Browser Router Extension you should allow to install: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/437-what-is-the-chrome-extension-id-for-all-the-published-versions-of-policypak-browser-router-client-side-extension/
In this screenshot, the PolicyPak Extension is the third one listed.
Note in this screenshot this is being done on the USER side for EDGE:
But you may also perform the operation per computer on the COMPUTER side (For EDGE) as follows.
Additionally, this same problem can occur in Chrome and hence, you would use the same value, but using the Chrome ADMX setting. Here is the setting “Configure extension installation allow list” on the Computer side.
And here is “Configure extension installation allow list” on the User side.