Jan 18, 2023
Every year PolicyPak continues to add new features for customers. Here’s a top list of new functions and milestones and the year that they came out.
Before 2017:
- PolicyPak Application Settings Manager: Manage 500+ applications and keep them secure. https://www.policypak.com/policies/application-settings-manager/
- PolicyPak Browser Router: Open the right browser for the right website. https://www.policypak.com/policies/browser-router/
- PolicyPak Java Rules Manager: Map the right version of Java for the right website. https://www.policypak.com/policies/java-rules-manager/
- New Component: File Associations Manager: Quickly map PDF, MAILTO:, and others to the right apps: https://www.policypak.com/policies/file-associations-manager/
- Reduce GPOs and convert them to use for MDM: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/583-reduce-gpos-and-or-export-them-for-use-with-policypak-cloud-or-with-mdm/
- Least Privilege Manager: SecureRun(TM) blocks Ransomware: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/781-using-least-privilege-managers-securerun-feature/
- New Component: New PolicyPak Start Screen & Taskbar Manager: Manage Windows 10 tile layouts perfectly. https://www.policypak.com/policies/start-screen-and-taskbar/
- New Component: PolicyPak Scripts Manager: Perform any function via BAT, .JS or PowerShell. https://www.policypak.com/policies/scripts-and-triggers-manager/
- PP Least Priv "Helper Tools": Enable Standard users to update Network Card and Printer settings, plus uninstall applications https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/889-overcome-network-card-printer-and-remove-programs-uac-prompts/
- PP Least Priv "Discovery Auditing", Block & Allow UWP applications, Manage Security of Child Processes.
- IE Sitelist to PP Browser Router import
- PPLPM Block PowerShell Malware attacks: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/792-pplpm-block-powershell-in-general-open-up-for-specific-items/
- New Component: PolicyPak Feature Manager for Windows. Quickly add / remove features from Windows 10 & Windows Server. https://www.policypak.com/policies/feature-manager/
- New Component: PolicyPak RDP Manager: Enable remote work users to have .RDP files to connect to your resources.
- PP Browser Router - New Edge Support / "IE In Edge Mode" https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/91-manage-internet-explorer-11-and-edge-compatibility-enterprise-modes-and-ie-in-edge-mode/
- PP Browser Router "Apply Once then Drift" https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/916-policypak-browser-router-set-the-windows-10-default-browser-once-then-drift/
- File Associations Manager "Apply Once then Drift" https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/917-policypak-file-associations-manager-apply-once-and-drift/
- File Associations Manager "Apply settings on USER side"
- Added Triggers to PolicyPak Scripts & Triggers: Run a script at VPN launch or many other events.
- Added "Email method" for PPLPM Admin Approval. https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/961-using-email-long-codes/
- New Component: Remote Work Delivery Manager: Deliver software to Windows 10 via SMB share, Amazon S3 or other cloud services.
- PP Least Priv Manager: Automatically block UNSIGNED Applications https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/976-least-privilege-manager-block-all-unsigned-with-securerun/
- Compliance Reporter now 10x faster
- New Component: PolicyPak VPN Manager: Enable remote work users to have Always On and standard VPN connections.
- CSE and MMC are now Multi-Domain compatible
- Updated licensing where Professional and Enterprise customers can use PolicyPak with Active Directory, with SCCM, with MDM and/or PolicyPak Cloud
- PP Device Manager: Block WPD / Phones that act like media players
- PP CLOUD: More in-cloud editors
- PPLPM + Netwrix sbPam Integration
- PPLPM: Native support for changing IP and adding Printers
- PPLPM: Force user to re-authenticate with Self Elevate
- PPLPM: Certificate Rules with Wildcards
- PPLPM: Send "Long Codes" to Notepad instead of opening up in mail program
- PP BRouter "Neutral Site Support"
- PPCLOUD: 10x faster login
- PP CLOUD: Jointoken sharing between admins
- PPCLOUD + PPLPM: Store events and make rules
- PPLPM for Macintosh and PPCLOUD
- New Component: PP Preferences 2.0 Drive Maps
- New Component: PP Preferences 2.0 Registry
- New Component: PP Preferences 2.0 Printers
- Updated Feature: MMC Snap-in allows Cut/Paste for most rules and collections
- Updated Feature: GPO Export Manager v2 (Export Everything)
- New Feature: Enable/Disable for policies / collections