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05: How to Defend against malicious PowerShell attacks (DLLs)?

Even after blocking the PowerShell executables there are still ways that bad actors can use DLLs to launch a PowerShell console windows without use any of the PowerShell executables.

The example below shows one possible way of using a DLL to bypass PowerShell Executable block rules to open a console window where a user can execute PowerShell commands.

For this example we will be using: PowerShdll.DLL
PowerShdll is a custom PowerShell-like interpreter in form of a DLL. It can be run with rundll32.exe, installutil.exe, regsvcs.exe, regasm.exe, regsvr32.exe or as a standalone executable.

Without a Least Privilege Manager DLL Rule in place to block this file, it can be executed even when all PowerShell executables are blocked.

Below I have enabled the Default Block PowerShell collection from the PolicyPak Support Guidance download.

But as you can see in the screenshot below, this alone does not stop the DLL from running, and the console window still opens, and is ready for PowerShell commands.

Steps to block DLL processing:

With a Least Privilege Manager DLL block rule in place this additional vector for executing PowerShell commands is now blocked.

Note: These 2 policies below must be configured on the computer-side of the Group Policy configuration.

Global DLL policy: Enabling the DLL processing.
DLL policy: To block the execution of a DLL


Now when a user tries to launch PowerShdll.DLL using Rundll32.exe, it will be blocked and they should see the following block messages.


PolicyPak message:

  • 1174
  • 22-Dec-2021