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03: What is meant by “Default Browser” within PolicyPak Browser router?

Pretend for a second you didn’t have PolicyPak and PolicyPak Browser Router.

A user on Windows 10 can then set his “Default Browser” from either within a browser, like Firefox, like this…

Or, they can go directly into Windows “Default apps” and set the Web Browser like this…

But as soon as you have PolicyPak Browser Router licensed and with ANY PolicyPak Browser Router rules enabled,

You will see PolicyPak Browser Router Agent as the “Web Browser” inside Windows 10.

Then, using PolicyPak Browser Router, you can set what we call “Default Browser” policies. Here are two screenshots to explain how to find those.

When you set the “Default Browser”, using PolicyPak to IE, Edge, Chrome, or Firefox…

the operating system will STILL SHOW “PolicyPak Browser Router Agent” as the “Web Browser”.

But the user’s PERCEPTION of their “Default Browser” will be what you set here.

So, when a user clicks on any URL which does NOT have a route, the default browser, as defined from PolicyPak Browser Router will open up.

Note: there is a special Default Browser option available, called “User Selectable”. Video here

The summary about “User Selectable” (which is explained more in the PolicyPak Browser Router manual) is:

  1. After User Selectable is set, the user can choose their desired browser; like from within Firefox or via the OS selector.
  2. At next GPupdate, that setting is “recorded.”
  3. PolicyPak Browser Router Agent is then replaced back in the OS again as the default.
  4. The user “perceives” what they set as the default browser going forward.
  • 120
  • 26-Apr-2019