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22: My PolicyPak Cloud Client or Client Side Extension isn't completing the installation; How do I fix it?

If you find that when installing or updating the either the Cloud Client (PPC Client) or Client Side Extension (CSE) from the cloud server it doesn’t complete successfully, it may be that the downloaded file was corrupted or cut-off during transit. When this happens and our checks catch the error, the installation for the corrupted file will fail.

To get around this issue, the corrupted file, the application that isn’t completing the installation, needs to be deleted so it can be re-downloaded. Please review the steps below to determine what needs to be deleted.

Initial Installation

As the PPC Client is already downloaded, it’s the CSE that would be the issue here. You’ll get indication something is wrong when the Installation complete. You may end up with a message something like this:

Note missing group membership.

  1. Delete the MSI from the following path

    C:\ProgramData\PolicyPak\Downloaded Installations\PolicyPak Client-Side Extension\xx.x.xxxx (where xx.x.xxxx is the version being installed)
  2. To force an update immediately, open a command prompt and run the command ppcloud /CSEUpdateNow; Otherwise, the CSE will update during the next check-in.


Corrupt here could be for either the PPC Client or the CSE.

PPC Client

  1. Delete the MSI from the following path

    C:\ProgramData\PolicyPak\Downloaded Installations\PolicyPak Cloud Client\xx.x.xxxx (where xx.x.xxxx is the version being installed)
  2. To force an update immediately, open a command prompt and run the command ppcloud /CSEUpdateNow; Otherwise, the PPC Client will update during the next check-in.

Client Side Extension

  1. Delete the MSI from the following path

    C:\ProgramData\PolicyPak\Downloaded Installations\PolicyPak Client-Side Extension\xx.x.xxxx(where xx.x.xxxx is the version being installed)
  2. To force an update immediately, open a command prompt and run the command ppcloud /CSEUpdateNow; Otherwise, the CSE will update during the next check-in.

* Please note that this issue is expected to be resolve in late September or October 2023.

* If you have a slow connection on the endpoint, the CSE can be downloaded from our customer portal and pre-installed. Please refer to the following KB article ->

  • 1290
  • 25-Sep-2023