03: How to use PolicyPak Cloud Event Collector to Report and generate policies from the events generated
May 07, 2024
By following this guide, you will be able to generate reports for interesting events from the PolicyPak event logs and generate policies as needed.
Getting Started:
In order to receive PolicyPak reports for events via PolicyPak Cloud Event Collector, you will need to complete the following steps:
Submit a support ticket to activate the Cloud Event Log Collector
- Trialers/Customers will only have a one-day event collection offered at no cost
Paid options – Release Date & Pricing TBD
- 7 Day, 14 Day, or 30 Day intervals
- Select the Company Groups you want to collect event logs
Select the PolicyPak Events you want to capture
- Selecting the company group you want to pull events from the computers
Navigate to Company Group→ Click “Edit Group”
- Select the Event Collector “Refresh interval for computers” time setting
- Select the Event IDs you will want to collect
Note: You can select the drop-down option to select the Event IDs
PolicyPak Event IDs: https://kb.policypak.com/kb/article/1145-list-of-policypak-event-categories-and-ids/
Go to the reports section to see the events that have been
- Create policies through the events that are being generated
End Result - You can edit the policy name and the policy conditions if