Nov 11, 2019
There are multiple parts to this answer.
- PolicyPak Application Manager itself (the software) is only localized to English.
- PolicyPak manuals are only in English.
- PolicyPak support is only performed in English.
- PolicyPak Application Manager Paks are performed on the US English version of applications. Here is what that means:
- PolicyPak Application Manager’s pre-defined Paks can deliver settings to applications, regardless to how they are localized. So if you have, say, Acrobat Reader in Italian on an Italian version of Windows, PolicyPak Application Manager can deliver settings to that application on that version of Windows just fine.
- By default, PolicyPak Application Manager’s pre-defined Paks can only perform Applock ™ (that is, our UI lockdown) on US English versions of applications.
However, because PolicyPak ships with the PolicyPak DesignStudio, you are welcome to re-capture applications’ UI in the second language, and at that point, PolicyPak AppLock™ should function as expected.
To be safe, you’re welcome to fully try out PolicyPak Application Manager before you purchase to make sure it works as expected.
Note: PolicyPak (the company) will not be able to do this for you; but you are welcome to use the PolicyPak DesignStudio for this purpose.