08: How do I know if Application Manager is not behaving properly versus the target application not behaving properly?
Nov 11, 2019
- Are ANY settings getting delivered by PolicyPak to the recommended test application: WinZip 14?
- Yes? The CSE is licensed and working.
- No? Possible issues:
- Licensing: PolicyPak licensing GPOs must be linked to where COMPUTERS are, not users.
- Using User side or Computer side incorrectly: PolicyPak lets you deliver settings to EITHER user or computer side. Did you edit the GPO on the “correct” side and link to where users or computers are? Suggest you try USERS first.
- Are *ANY* settings getting delivered to your application (not WinZip) by PolicyPak?
- Yes? The CSE is working and licensed.
- No: Check PolicyPak Licensing issues
- Are *SOME* settings not being deployed correctly?
- Yes: CSE is working and licensed, possibly a Pak typo / definition error. Pak definition errors are somewhat common because they go thru “light Q/A”.
- Possibly the application itself isn’t “accepting” what PolicyPak is delivering. What to do next? Take PolicyPak out of the equation. See what value would be needed and try it MANUALLY. (No PolicyPak involved.) Does the application take it now?
- No: Application issue itself.
- Yes: PolicyPak delivery issue of that particular setting. This would then require further investigation.
- Does System Wide Lockdown work for ANY setting? (System Wide Lockdown is specific to Firefox and Java).
- No: PolicyPak could have a problem with delivering locking settings.
- Yes: If ANY setting gets locked down, that means there is likely an issue with that ONE setting being accepted by the application. Not 100% of all settings in an app can necessarily be locked down.
- Does “UI Lockdown” work for ANY setting? (UI Lockdown works for most well-behaved apps).
- No: PolicyPak could have a problem with delivering locking settings. Again: Not all applications are supported for UI lockdown.
- Yes: If ANY setting gets locked down, that means there is likely an issue with that ONE setting being accepted by the application. Not 100% of all settings in an app can necessarily be locked down.
- Tip:: Check the readme file for the Pak. We do a reasonable job explaining when lockdown isn’t expected to function in most Pak readme’s.