02: I’m using SCCM to deploy the PP CSE. I want to ensure that Internet Explorer is closed during the installation of PPBR to prevent IE questions of users if they are logged in. What should I do?
Nov 11, 2019
You can use the snippet of code within SCCM to test to see if IE is closed and then if it is, only then install the PP CSE.
Do {
$ieCheck = Get-Process iexplore -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($ieCheck -eq $null) {
msiexec /i ‘PolicyPak Client-Side Extension x64.msi’ /q
#Write-Host ‘Installing’
Start-Sleep -s 600
else {
#Write-Host ‘IE Open’
Start-Sleep -s 600
} while ($ieCheck -ne $null)