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02: Managing IE Proxy server with Advanced settings

IE Proxy server with Advanced settings

PolicyPak: Managing IE Proxy server with Advanced settings

Hi. This is Jeremy. In this video, we’re going to do some advanced work with Internet Explorer 8 and the proxy server settings.

That’s going to live here under “Connections” “LAN settings.” There are two ways to use this. I’m going to show you way number one first and way number two second. Way number one is you click on “Use a proxy server for your LAN” and put in, for instance, I’ll call this “proxy123:8080.” This is going to set the proxy server to “proxy123” for port “8080.” Notice, as directed, I’m not doing anything with the “Port” field. I’m just leaving it at “0.” I don’t even have anything set. Then also for “Advanced,” I’m not doing anything there either.

If you wanted to – I’m not going to right now – but you could “Disable corresponding control in target application.” Actually, why not? I’m here anyway. I’ll disable all three of these buttons, and I’ll also disable the “Proxy server” checkbox. So I’m driving in the setting to make it so that the UI is under control as well. I’ll click “OK,” and I’ll click “OK” again.

Now there’s an advanced scenario, but I just want to do the basic scenario before the advanced scenario. We’ll run GP Update on the endpoint here, and let’s just see if we can get this part to work first. Okay, that’s done.

We’ll run IE, and we’ll go to “Internet options,” “Connections,” “LAN settings.” You can see what we’ve done. PolicyPak has driven in the checkbox here, driven in “proxy123,” and driven in the “Port.” Remember, we didn’t use the “Port” box in the Pak. We used the syntax “proxy123:8080,” and it filled in both things for us.

Now you may have a scenario where you want to use the “Advanced” button and use the stuff underneath it. In fact, let me show you what that would look like. To actually get started on that, I should probably make it so that we can see it, so I’m going to uncheck the “Disable corresponding control in target application.” I just want to show you what’s underneath the hood for those first.

We’ll just go ahead and run GP Update if you give me a quick second here. Alright, I’ll go ahead and close that out and run IE. Let me go over to “Internet options,” “Connections,” “LAN settings.” Now I’ve left the “Advanced” button exposed.

Look what it does. It will take what you’ve put in here and put it for all the items. That’s Internet Explorer just doing this naturally. If you had an advanced scenario where you wanted to drive in something special for “HTTP,” something special for “Secure,” something special for “FTP” and so on, you can do that.

The trick is, well, here’s the trick. I’ll show it to you. It’s not really even a trick. It’s just how it works. Inside the Pak, go to “Connections,” “LAN settings.” You’re going to clear this out and have no value. So you’re going to uncheck “Always reapply this setting.” So you’re driving in nothing to “Address,” nothing in “Port.” In “Advanced” here, we have a “README” thing that describes the exact syntax that you have to use. Maybe you need to take a screenshot of it, but you have to get it exactly right or else it doesn’t work.

Now I also wanted to point out that we have a little UI bug. See that right there? A kind of weird bout with the multiple windows? That’s fine. We know about it. We’re fixing it. Just know that it’s just a cosmetic little bug there.

If we click on “LAN settings” again, we’re going to clear this out, uncheck “Always reapply this setting,” and now let’s go to “Advanced.” The syntax for HTTP would be “http=hello:8080;https=Hola:9090;ftp=GOODBYE:123.” We’re going to be driving in three of those guys. There’s also one for “Socks” as well, but I’m not going to do that right now. I’ll just go ahead and click “OK” and click “OK” again here.

It’s locked and loaded and ready to go. Now if we go to GP Update here and wait for this to finish, we’ll close that out. Run IE and go to “Internet options,” “Connections,” “LAN settings.” We’re not driving anything in there, but when you click on “Advanced,” there we go. It’s driving all the settings in.

If you wanted to, you saw me remove the “Advanced” button. You could do a quick test first to make sure this all works and then remove the UI so the “Advanced” button isn’t available and therefore users can’t work around your settings.

I hope that explains how to use both the basic and advanced. Remember, don’t use them both at the same time. That is not allowed and will cause headaches. I hope this helps you out. If you have any more questions, you can post them to the “How Do I” sections in the forums.

Thanks. Bye-bye.

  • 537
  • 07-Nov-2019