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11: What if I don’t run the license tool to “True-Up” my PolicyPak Group Policy Compliance Reporter every year?

You must run the license tool every year to get an updated license file for PolicyPak Group Policy Compliance Reporter. If you fail to run the True-Up, then your one-year license expires and the product simply stops working.

For PolicyPak Group Policy Compliance Reporter, you will not be able to see if those target computers are in or out of compliance any longer.

PolicyPak Group Policy Compliance Reporter stops reporting on clients exactly one year after the license file is originally generated for each product.

So, at the 11th month mark, we automatically remind you to run the PolicyPak License Management tool to perform a “True-Up.” We will continue to send email reminders and make a best effort to call you if we see you’re getting close to lapsing. At the one year anniversary, PolicyPak Group Policy Compliance Reporter will stop functioning – unless you get a new license file from us each year.

  • 686
  • 07-Jun-2019